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Version: 2.0.0

RapidPipeline API v2 Documentation

Here is a quick intro guide to the main paths of our REST API. You can use your bearer token to run API calls through the interface here. Visit API Tokens page to create your API token. Before that, make sure your plan is eligible for API tokens.


There are a few main concepts our endpoints are organized around and explaining them here would help your understanding.

  1. Base Asset: These are sometimes referred to as raw models or source models in tutorials or elsewhere in the docs. Base asset is a user uploaded model. All future processing is applied to these assets only.
  2. Rapid Model: These are sometimes referred to as optimized models. They are created by processing the base assets through 3D Processor (making a POST call to Optimize endpoint of Base Asset).
  3. Presets: These are saved 3D Processor Settings for you to organize your assets better. Rapid Models carry on the preset information through which they are created, this way you can understand which Rapid Model was created through which preset.
  4. Embeds: These are embeddable 3D viewers created from Rapid Models. It is not possible to create them from Base Assets.
  5. Tags: These are user defined or system generated tags for assets. You can use them to filter your assets.
  6. User: Provides endpoints to check your available limits or login with credentials to receive a token.
  7. Webhooks: We have some amazing webhooks for you to create better applications without spamming us to fetch status of upload or optimization jobs.


You can create your API token here.
Our REST API, excluding upload related endpoints, is subject to rate limits (2000 requests per minute per User or IP)

Security Scheme Type:http
HTTP Authorization Scheme:bearer