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Get Base Assets



Paginated response of your base assets. Search for base assets by name or tag


Query Parameters

    q string

    Optional parameter to search for base assets by name or tag

    Example: yourSearchString



    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer
    name string
    external boolean
    upload_status string
    size integer
    created_at string
    scale_factor string
    has_errors boolean
    format string
    tags object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer
    name string
    created_at string
    updated_at string
    raw_id integer
  • ]
  • downloads object
    error.log string
    info.log string
    metrics.json string
    rpd_info.json string
    teapot.fbx string
    thumb.jpg string
    warning.log string
  • ]
  • links object
    first string
    last string
    prev string
    next string
    meta object
    current_page integer
    from integer
    last_page integer
    links object[]
  • Array [
  • url string
    label string
    active boolean
  • ]
  • path string
    per_page integer
    to integer
    total integer