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There are two ways to optimize a base asset:

In the first way send a config as a json object that complies with the API Optimize Schema, or send the id of one of your presets or of a factoryPreset

You can use our "optimization_finished" webhook to get notified when your model has been optimized. It also includes downloadlinks to your optimized model

The "Try it out" feature for this endpoint only works with the preset_id parameter. It doesn't work with the config parameter, because the config gets sent as a string, but it needs to be a json object. Please checkout the example on the right on how to set the config parameter


Path Parameters

    id integerrequired

    The id of the base asset

    Example: 281


    config object

    The config of the optimizer as a json object complying with the API Optimize Schema. Do not use config in combination with preset_id. They are mutually exclusive

    preset_id integer

    The id one of your presets or of a factoryPreset. Do not use preset_id in combination with config. They are mutually exclusive

    tags string[]

    A list of tags that will be added to the rapid model



    id integer
    name string
    optimization_status string
    job_status object
    id integer
    job_id string
    type string
    queue string
    attempts integer
    progress_now integer
    progress_max integer
    status string
    input string
    output string
    created_at string
    updated_at string
    started_at string
    finished_at string
    key string
    progress integer
    processing_step string
    external string
    rawmodel object
    id integer
    name string
    processing boolean