CLI Commands Guide
Download the latest CLI packages for win/macOS/Linux here:
The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI requires an Enterprise or Custom Plan:
Make sure to download only the CLI installers with version number 7.x.x
and newer = 3D Processor. For version 6.x.x
and older please refer to the Legacy Documentation.
The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI utilizes commands in combination with configuration settings JSON files (= 3D Processor Presets) to steer the processing of 3D data.
RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI v7 = rpdx
Get started with using the 3D Processor CLI in the 3D Processor CLI Tutorials here.
Configuration Settings
For an overview of available Settings please refer to the general 3D Processing Schema & Settings Documentation.
Launching the CLI
Executable | Description |
rpdx | Name of the 3D Processor Executable |
calling the executable:
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (5c23466, Aug 15 2024, 20:25:53)
WARNING: Empty processing command pipeline. Not doing anything (use -h for help).
Available Commands
Command | Argument | Description |
-h [ --help ] | ⦸ | Lists all available parameters |
-i [ --import ] | arg (directory/file) | Imports an asset from a file |
-p [ --print_info ] | ⦸ | Prints information about the current 3D asset. This happens directly on file import |
-r [ --run_processor ] | ⦸ | Main command to run 3D processing. Requires an input configuration file or --export command to have any effect (the latter only from CLI v7.2.0 on). |
--read_c [ --read_config ] | arg(=config.json) | Reads and applies the given configuration file. Multiple Configuration files can be read within the same commandline operation and will be combined if possible |
--write_c [ --write_config ] | arg(=config.json) | Writes current settings to the given configuration file |
--write_m [ --write_metrics ] | arg(=rpd_metrics.json) | Writes metrics to a file. This happens after all other outputs are generated |
--write_i [ --write_info ] | arg(=rpd_info.json) | Writes information about the current 3D asset to a JSON file. This happens directly on file import |
--render | arg(=rpd_render_config.json) | Renders an image or turntable of the current asset. Render Settings are stored within the a respective rpd_rendering config |
--system_config | arg(=rpd_system_config.json) | Reads and applies system configuration |
--write_rp [ --write_rpdcache ] | arg (directory/file) | Writes rpdcache files. This happens directly on file import |
-o [--output] | arg (directory) | Specifies directory name for file exports. The exported format(s) and settings can be configured in the Export Settings |
The --run_processor
command is required for any 3D processing operation, including the --export
command (from CLI v7.2.0
on). The following warnings might occure in different situations:
WARNING: --run_processor command is specified but no configuration setting or --export command found, doing nothing.
WARNING: No processing commands given. Add --run_processor command to apply settings and 3D file exports or --render to apply rendering settings and image file exports.
WARNING: --export is used without a processing command. Add --run_processor command to apply settings and 3D file exports
New Commands (since v7.2.0
Command | Argument | Description |
-e [--export] | arg (directory) | Specifies directory and 3D format for a specific file export. If in addition Export Settings are defined within a JSON configuration file, the format(s) are ideally aligned between settings file and command line. If the export formats are not alligned, the formats specified with the --export command are auto-matched (per format) to the configuration and otherwise get written out with defaults. |
The --export
command can not be used with CLI versions v7.0.0
- v7.1.1
. It is only recognized from CLI v7.2.0
Command Line Examples
example file
- Model:
- Source:
rpdx -h
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (5c23466, Aug 15 2024, 20:25:53)
Usage: C:\Program Files\RapidPipeline 3D Processor 7.0.0\rpdx.exe -i <input-file> {[command]}
Example: C:\Program Files\RapidPipeline 3D Processor 7.0.0\rpdx.exe -i highres-mesh.ply
To explore a more detailed documentation, visit
-h [ --help ] lists all available parameters
-i [ --import ] arg imports an asset from a file
-p [ --print_info ] prints information about the current 3D
--read_config arg reads and applies the given config file
--system_config arg reads and applies the given system
config file
-o [ --output ] arg defines the output directory for
--write_config [=arg(=rpd_config.json)]
writes current settings to the given
config file
--write_rpdcache [=arg(=input.rpdcache)]
writes input to cache file
--write_metrics [=arg(=rpd_metrics.json)]
writes metrics to a file using this ID
--write_info [=arg(=rpd_info.json)] writes information about the current 3D
asset to a JSON file
-r [ --run_processor ] process 3d asset
--render arg renders images according to a configuration file
import and print info
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb -p
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (5c23466, Aug 15 2024, 20:25:53)
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file "BoomBox.glb".
"bbMin": [-0.00992115, -0.00977163, -0.0100762],
"bbMax": [0.00992115, 0.00977163, 0.0100762],
"bbCenter": [0, 0, 0],
"bbSize": [0.0198423, 0.0195433, 0.0201525],
"area3D": 0.00134651,
"numVertices": 3133,
"numVerticesSingleIndexed": 3575,
"numTriangles": 6036,
"numQuads": 0,
"numMeshes": 1,
"numSubMeshes": 1,
"numDrawCalls": 1,
"numMaterials": 1,
"numNodes": 2,
"numLights": 0,
"hasRigidAnimations": false,
"numRigidAnimations": 0,
"hasSkinnedAnimations": false,
"hasMorphTargets": false,
"animations": [],
"extensionsUsed": [],
"extensionsUnsupported": [],
"numTexels": 25165824,
"hasUVs": true,
"hasVertexColors": false,
"hasVertexNormals": true,
"hasVertexTangents": true,
"hasVertexBitangents": true,
"numOpaqueMaterials": 1,
"numAlphaBlendMaterials": 0,
"numAlphaMaskMaterials": 0,
"hasBaseColorMap": true,
"hasMetallicMap": true,
"hasRoughnessMap": true,
"hasEmissiveMap": true,
"hasTSNormalMap": true,
"hasOSNormalMap": false,
"hasOcclusionMap": true,
"hasDisplacmentMap": false,
"hasClearcoatMap": false,
"hasClearcoatColorMap": false,
"hasClearcoatRoughnessMap": false,
"hasClearcoatNormalMap": false,
"hasTransmissionMap": false,
"hasSheenColorMap": false,
"hasSheenRoughnessMap": false,
"hasSpecularColorMap": false,
"hasSpecularValueMap": false,
"hasThicknessMap": false,
"hasIridescenceMap": false,
"hasIridescenceThicknessMap": false,
"numBaseColorMaps": 1,
"numMetallicMaps": 1,
"numRoughnessMaps": 1,
"numEmissiveMaps": 1,
"numTSNormalMaps": 1,
"numOSNormalMaps": 0,
"numOcclusionMaps": 1,
"numDisplacmentMaps": 0,
"numClearcoatMaps": 0,
"numClearcoatColorMaps": 0,
"numClearcoatRoughnessMaps": 0,
"numClearcoatNormalMaps": 0,
"numTransmissionMaps": 0,
"numSheenColorMaps": 0,
"numSheenRoughnessMaps": 0,
"numSpecularColorMaps": 0,
"numSpecularValueMaps": 0,
"numThicknessMaps": 0,
"numIridescenceMaps": 0,
"numIridescenceThicknessMaps": 0,
"maxResBaseColorMapUV0": 2048,
"maxResMetallicMapUV0": 2048,
"maxResRoughnessMapUV0": 2048,
"maxResEmissiveMapUV0": 2048,
"maxResTSNormalMapUV0": 2048,
"maxResOcclusionMapUV0": 2048,
"avgAngleDistortion": 0.0750853,
"maxAngleDistortion": 0.952134,
"displacementReferenceMin": 0,
"displacementReferenceMax": 0
import and write info to file
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb --write_i
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (5c23466, Aug 15 2024, 20:25:53)
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file "BoomBox.glb".
Writing info to default file name rpd_info.json
writing a configuration file
rpdx --write_config
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (1012ed0, Aug 29 2024, 10:31:55)
Writing config to file "rpd_config.json".
The default config written out by the 3D Processor CLI will write out a single file in the gltf format. Learn more about export settings and formats here:
reading a configuration file and running a 3d process
rpdx --read_config example_default_config.json -i BoomBox.glb -r
The 3D Processor CLI requires a configuration settings JSON file in order to perform a 3D process. Exception --export
command, see section below.
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (1012ed0, Aug 29 2024, 10:31:55)
Validated configuration file.
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file "BoomBox.glb".
Skipping optimize
Saving asset to file "output\0_gltf\BoomBox.gltf".
Directory "output\0_gltf" does not exist, will be created.
As you can see by default a directory named "output" will be created containing sub-directories named after the respective chosen output format in addition to a numerical prefix.
The Optimization process was not set in the example configuration file and thus was skipped. Learn more about Optimization settings here
export a 3D file
Exporting a 3D file with the RapidPipeline 3D Processor
is done via a separate export
section within the configuration settings JSON
file. Read more about the export object and settings here.
Since CLI v7.2.0
there is an alternative --export
command which can be used to specify a specfic 3D format and output path, while it simulates an export object
with default settings for the respective specified 3D format.
export via configuration settings file
rpdx --read_config example_export_config.json -i BoomBox.glb -r
settings file:
"export": [
"discard": {
"unusedUVs": false
"fileName": "",
"format": {
"gltf": {
"excludeTangents": true,
"geometryCompression": "draco"
"preserveTextureFilenames": false,
"reencodeTextures": "auto",
"textureMapFilePrefix": ""
"discard": {
"unusedUVs": false
"fileName": "",
"format": {
"fbx": {
"3dsMaxPhysicalMaterial": {},
"units": "m",
"unitConversion": true,
"axisSystem": "original",
"excludeTangents": true,
"flipNormalmapY": false,
"preferBinaryFormat": true
"preserveTextureFilenames": false,
"reencodeTextures": "auto",
"textureMapFilePrefix": ""
To apply a 3D processing configuration, the 3D Processor CLI requires the --run_processor
command (short: -r
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.2.0 (ddc2b14, Feb 20 2025, 15:22:31)
Validated configuration file.
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file "BoomBox.glb".
Skipping optimize
Saving asset to file "output\0_gltf\BoomBox.gltf".
Directory output\0_gltf does not exist, will be created.
Saving asset to file "output\1_fbx\BoomBox.fbx".
Directory output\1_fbx does not exist, will be created.
FBX SDK Version: 7.7.0
FBX binary file version FBX201900
As you can see by default the 3d formats specified within the configuration file's export section are getting written out in a standardized way:
- an
folder is created (this can be customized with the-o
command, more about this command here - the formats are written out within format specific subfolders (e.g.
), and are indexed according to their order, e.g.gltf
as it is the first format specified in the configuration file
export via command
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb -e BoomBox_output.glb -r
In order to export a 3D file, the 3D Processor CLI requires the --run_processor
command (short from: -r
). The export
command requires CLI v 7.2.0
or newer.
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.2.0 (f4697d5, Feb 12 2025, 18:52:58)
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file "BoomBox.glb".
Skipping optimize
Saving asset to file "BoomBox_output.glb".
As you can see the return is similar to the export via configuration settings file above, only the validation of the configuration file is missing, as the --export
command automatically triggered an implicit export section with glb
The --export
command also supports an output file path.
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb -e output/BoomBox.glb -r
export via combined settings and command
input :
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb --read_config example_export_config.json -e gltf/BoomBox_output.gltf -e usdz/Boombox_output.usdz -r
If both a configuration settings file and the --export
commands are given, the export formats are automatically matched between the specified settings formats and the ones in the commandline. If multiple of the same formats ares specified in a configuration file, the first export slot of the given format type get matched with the first occurance of the format in the command and so on.
Any unmatched formats from the command line are written out with default settings for the respective formats. Any unmatched formats from the settings file are written out with the default output directory and format specific sub-directories as seen above.
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.2.0 (ddc2b14, Feb 20 2025, 15:22:31)
Validated configuration file.
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file "BoomBox.glb".
Skipping optimize
Saving asset to file "gltf/BoomBox_output.gltf".
Directory gltf does not exist, will be created.
Saving asset to file "output\0_fbx\BoomBox.fbx".
Directory output\0_fbx does not exist, will be created.
FBX SDK Version: 7.7.0
FBX binary file version FBX201900
Saving asset to file "usdz/Boombox_output.usdz".
Directory usdz does not exist, will be created.
As you can see the gltf
format was specified in the configurations settings file as well as the command and therefore got matched.
The fbx
was not specified in the command and thus was written out in the default path (output/0_fbx/
Finally the usdz
file was only specified via the command and therefore is written out with default settings as well but within the path and name specified with the --export
rendering an image
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb --render
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (1012ed0, Aug 29 2024, 10:31:55)
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file ".\BoomBox.glb".
Rendering image to file "output/renderings".
100% [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
output image:

reading and applying rendering settings
example single image render config
This example render configuration differs from the default render settings in exactly one setting category:
intead of
"shadingMode": "pbr",
we are using
"shadingMode": "roughness",
Check out all the available rendering settings here.
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb --render render-image_config.json
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (1012ed0, Aug 29 2024, 10:31:55)
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file ".\BoomBox.glb".
Reading renderer configuration file '.\render-image_config.json'.
Validated configuration file.
Rendering image to file "output/renderings".
100% [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
output image:

rendering a turntable view
example turntable render config
rpdx -i BoomBox.glb --render render-turntable_config.json
rpdx - The RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI
v7.0.0 (1012ed0, Aug 29 2024, 10:31:55)
Unlocked via RapidPipeline account.
Loading asset from file ".\BoomBox.glb".
Reading renderer configuration file '.\render-turntable_config.json'.
Validated configuration file.
Rendering image series to directory "output/renderings".
100% [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
output image series:

Batch Processing
The 3D Processor CLI can be easily called within a larger environment such as a wrapper script. To get started please see a simplistic python based CLI wrapper script here