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CLI Introduction

Getting Started with the 3D Processor CLI

How to get started using the Command Line Interface (CLI) for RapidPipeline 3D Processor, a powerful 3D data optimization and automation toolset.

  • For an introduction to the capabilities of RapidPipeline 3D Processor please see the Product Overview
  • For CLI installation instructions, available platforms, and reference documentation, please see the CLI Documentation
  • For a list of all available CLI commands, please see the CLI Commands Guide

How to Run the CLI

To launch the CLI, open a command line window. In the Windows operating system, we recommend using the Windows PowerShell.

The name of the CLI executable is rpdx. When rpdx is typed inside the command line window and the Return key is pressed, a result like this will appear:

The basic command line interface for 3D Processor
RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI launched in Windows PowerShell, without any commands specified


If using Windows Explorer, navigate to a directory containing a 3D model, then hold the SHIFT key and right-click. The context menu will show an entry "Open PowerShell windows here".

PowerShell has useful shortcuts. Type only the first few letters of each filename (for example, the "b" or "br" of "bridgelion.glb") and then press the TAB key one or more times. PowerShell can then suggest existing filenames through auto-completion.

CLI Online Help

The CLI can show abbreviated documentation directly within the command line, by typing rpdx -h.

Results of the Help command in the CLI
Result of the 3D Processor help command.

For full CLI reference documentation, please see:

Information about the current 3D asset can be displayed in the command window:

rpdx -i bridgelion.glb -p
rpdxStart the CLI
-i bridgelion.glbImport the 3d asset for processing
-pPrint information about the asset to the command line

Results of the Print command in the CLI
Result of the print command, more than 70 lines of information (shown partially here).

The model used in this example can be downloaded here: bridgelion.glb (67mb). This is a CC0 Public Domain model from (source).

Write Information Out to a File

Information about the current 3D asset can be saved into a JSON-formatted text file:

rpdx -i bridgelion.glb --write_info info.json
rpdxStart the CLI
-i bridgelion.glbImport the 3d asset for processing
--write_infoSave file information about the asset
info.jsonFile name to save the information into. If a name is not provided, the file is saved as rpd_info.json

Results of the Write command in the CLI
Result of the write command

Output of the Write command, shown in Windows Notepad
The saved file, opened in Notepad

The finished file can alternatively be downloaded here.

Create a Settings Preset Config File

A Settings Preset Config file is needed to perform any changes to a 3D asset. This is a JSON-formatted text file with a specific layout, containing settings that can be edited as needed.

Config files can be created in multiple ways: by using the CLI, or using the Blender Plugin, or using the Web Platform, or using the REST API. As long as a Config is exported in 7.x format, it can be used interchangeably by all RapidPipeline interfaces.

The CLI can create a Config file, by saving the current settings in json format:

rpdx --write_config config.json
rpdxStart the CLI
--write_configSave the current configuration settings
config.jsonFile name to save the settings into. If a name is not provided, the file is saved as rpd_config.json

Results of the Write Config command in the CLI
Result of the write_config command

Output of the Write Config command, shown in Windows Notepad
The saved file, opened in Notepad

The finished file can alternatively be downloaded here.

Render a 3D Asset from the CLI

Since it can easily be installed on servers and does not require a GPU, RapidPipeline 3D Processor CLI can be conveniently used to generate images of 3D models. This is useful, for example, to create thumbnail images for a large set of meshes.

The CLI can also render a series of turntable-like images, rotating a camera around the up-axis of a given mesh. Turntables can be used as previews for 3D models, in web pages or within a content management system.

rpdx -i bridgelion.glb --render
rpdxStart the CLI
-i bridgelion.glbImport the 3d asset for processing
--renderRender the asset, using default settings

Results of the Render command in the CLI
Result of the render command

The image that was created by the Render command, a side view of a lion sculpture
A render using default settings

Render settings can be edited and loaded via a JSON-formatted render settings file, for example: rpdx -i bridgelion.glb --render render_config.json. Settings can be adjusted for the camera, lighting, shadows, resolution, post-processing, image format, etc.

For the full list of render settings, please see Rendering Schema & Settings.