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CLI Migration Guide


This guide covers the process of upgrading the RapidCompact CLI v1.4.0-v6.x.x (legacy) to the 3D Processor CLI v7.0.0 and newer.

It also compares the differences between the versions in terms of commands and general CLI usage, settings and schemas, as well as the JSON configuration settings files.

Upgrading to the 3D Processor CLI

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Setting up the 3D Processor CLI

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CLI Commands Differences


The 3D Processor CLI (v.7.0.0 +) and available command line arguments are NOT compatible with older versions of the RapidCompact CLI (legacy).

RapidCompact CLI Commands (legacy)

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3D Processor CLI Commands

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CLI Settings Differences


The 3D Processor CLI (v.7.0.0 +) and corresponding Configuration Settings files (JSON) are NOT compatible with older versions of the RapidCompact CLI (legacy).

RapidCompact CLI Settings (legacy)

The RapidCompact CLI v1-6 does not have a settings schema, settings are directly ingested, potentially resulting in Errors or Warnings.

Settings have no hierarchy (all settings are on the same level).

Settings which exist, but are not specified in the configuration file are still applied in their default state.


For an automated conversion of the CLI commands and settings please refer to the last section of this guide below.

Example (all CLI v6.10.0 compact (general optimization) and decimation category settings with defaults):

"compact:addUVsToTiledMeshes": false,
"compact:aggregateUVs": false,
"compact:allowRectangularPOTTextures": false,
"compact:animationSimplification": "none",
"compact:atlasingFactor": 1,
"compact:atlasingMode": "separateAlpha",
"compact:baseColorFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:defaultFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:displacementFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:emissiveFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:materialNamingScript": "",
"compact:metallicFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:nodeNamingScript": "",
"compact:normalsFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:occlusionFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:pixelsPerUnitLength": 0,
"compact:powerOfTwoTextures": "ceil",
"compact:quality": "default",
"compact:removeInvisibleGeometry": false,
"compact:removeSmallFeatures": "",
"compact:roughnessFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:specularFlatTexThreshold": 0,
"compact:splitMode": "auto",
"decimation:boundaryPreservationFactor": 0.5,
"decimation:collapseDistanceThreshold": 0.0050000000000000001,
"decimation:collapseUnconnectedVertices": true,
"decimation:defaultTarget": "f:20000",
"decimation:method": "quadric",
"decimation:preserveCommonMeshBorders": true,
"decimation:preserveMaterialBorders": false,
"decimation:preserveNormals": false,
"decimation:preserveTiledUVs": false,
"decimation:preserveTopology": false,
"decimation:preserveUVs": false,
"decimation:probQuadricStddev": 0,
"decimation:recomputeNormals": true,
"decimation:tiledUVThreshold": 1.5

All other settings under the following categories are still being applied with their defaults:

ao, baking, compact, export, flattening, general, geoCompression, import, inpainting, logging, material, packing, remeshing, rendering, segmentation, unwrapping, visibility

Read more about RapidCompact CLI legacy settings here

3D Processor CLI Settings

Settings are depending on 3 new schemas:

Settings CategorySchemaDescription
3D Processing3D Processing SchemaDirect operations on the 3D Data, such as Optimization, Compression, etc.
RenderingRendering SchemaRendering of 3D Data using the RapidPipeline PBR Renderer
SystemSystem SchemaSystem Settings - only relevant for the 3D Processor CLI

The major differences here are that there are hierarchical settings structures with 2 distinct groups:

  • Objects (setting categories)
  • Settings (within objects)

Example (CLI v7.0.0 optimize and decimation category settings file example with defaults):

"optimize": {
"3dModelOptimizationMethod": {
"meshAndMaterialOptimization": {
"decimator": {
"target": {
"faces": {
"value": 1
"deviation": {
"value": 0.0
"materialOptimization": {
"materialMerger": {
"materialRegenerator": {
"uvAtlasGenerator": {
"textureBaker": {
"normalMap": {}
"preserveTopology": false,
"preserveNormals": false,
"preserveMeshBorders": true,
"preserveMaterialBorders": false,
"collapseUnconnectedVertices": true,
"boundaryPreservationFactor": 0.50,
"collapseDistanceThreshold": 0.005,
"method": "quadric"
"export": [
"fileName": "",
"textureMapFilePrefix": "",
"discard": {},
"format": {
"gltf": {
"pbrMaterial": {}

As per 3D Processing Schema the example above is only one variation of expressing 3D optimization with mesh decimation. Read more about possible configuration settings within optimize here.

In addition, note that the export section is required as with 3D Processor the specification of the export format takes place within the configuration settings file itself.

Conversion Script (BETA)

The conversion script is able to batch convert RapidCompact CLI commands and JSON settings files into 3D Processor CLI commands and JSON settings files. The script is python based.

Link to GitHub Repo Coming Soon ✨✨✨

Current Limitations

RapidCompact Commands (converted input):

CommandDescriptionSupport Status
-i [ --import ]imports an asset from a file
-e [ --export ]exports an asset to a file
-p [ --print_info ]prints information about the current 3D asset
-c [ --compact ]turns the current asset into a simplified, textured representation
-s [ --set ]sets the setting with the given name to the given value
--read_configreads and apply the given config file
--write_configwrites current settings to the given config file
--write_infowrites information about the current 3D asset to a JSON file
--write_metricswrites metrics to a file using this ID
--render_imagerenders an image of the current asset to a file
--render_turntablerenders a turntable-like image series to a directory
--popremoves the current 3D asset from the stack
--remove_invisible_geometryremoves geometry that cannot be seen from the asset
--remove_small_featuresremoves lumps of geometry [...]
--remove_duplicate_verticesremoves duplicated vertices from the asset
-g [ --get ]gets the value of the given setting and prints it
--duplicateduplicates the current 3D asset on the stack
--scalescales the current 3D asset on the stack using units relative to the asset
--flattenflattens (combining meshes and transformations) the 3D asset at the top of the stack
--export_webexports to a directory with HTML 3D viewer

Future Updates

A minor update of 3D Processor CLI v7.x which supports the direct ingestion and conversion of most legacy RapidCompact (v1-6) JSON configuration settings files is scheduled.