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Convert your models

Using Automatic 3D File Conversion

Uploading and Automatic Conversion

  1. Log in to your account on our web platform
  2. Navigate to the assets page
  3. Upload any supported 3D file from your computer
  4. Automatic conversion begins immediately after upload completes
  5. Once processing is complete, find your original file with new .glb and .usdz versions in the "Converted Files" section

Converting to Additional Formats

Method 1: Using the Plus Button

  1. Locate the "Converted Files" section under your uploaded file
  2. Click the "+" (plus) button in the Converted Files row
  3. Select your desired output format from the dropdown menu
  4. Wait for conversion to complete
  5. Access your newly converted file in the Converted Files section

Method 2: Using the Overflow Menu

  1. Find your previously uploaded 3D file in the assets page
  2. Click the 3-dot overflow menu icon next to the file
  3. Select "Convert" from the menu options
  4. Choose your target format from the available options
  5. Confirm to start the conversion process
  6. View the new file in your Converted Files section when complete

Working with Converted Files

  1. Click on the tag of any converted file to download it
  2. Download all converted files by clicking the download button at the right-most side of the row