Using Automatic 3D File Conversion
Uploading and Automatic Conversion
- Log in to your account on our web platform
- Navigate to the assets page
- Upload any supported 3D file from your computer
- Automatic conversion begins immediately after upload completes
- Once processing is complete, find your original file with new .glb and .usdz versions in the "Converted Files" section
- Locate the "Converted Files" section under your uploaded file
- Click the "+" (plus) button in the Converted Files row
- Select your desired output format from the dropdown menu
- Wait for conversion to complete
- Access your newly converted file in the Converted Files section
- Find your previously uploaded 3D file in the assets page
- Click the 3-dot overflow menu icon next to the file
- Select "Convert" from the menu options
- Choose your target format from the available options
- Confirm to start the conversion process
- View the new file in your Converted Files section when complete
Working with Converted Files
- Click on the tag of any converted file to download it
- Download all converted files by clicking the download button at the right-most side of the row