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Processing your models

RapidPipeline Web Platform provides you with sample presets that can help you get started in minutes:

  1. General: We have created some of these presets to demonstrate features (Remeshing, Decimation, Baking, Preserving UVs, etc.) of our 3D processor
  2. Application: These are created for limitations and requirements of certain platforms.
  3. Device: These are created for models to work with high performance in specific devices.
Feel free to customize

There is hardly any recipe that is one size fits all for all models, so you need to choose the best possible settings for your given model. Contact our team if you are in doubt.

Here is a demo of how you can get started with optimizing your first model:

Once your models are processed you can click the 3-dot of the output model to download its files. You can multi-select and download many different models at the same time.

What about the settings?

Let's move to the next page if you want to learn more about settings and create your own presets.