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July 18, 2022


  • OOP refactor:
    • Added new base classes: AABB and Project.
    • Added abstract methods to new and existent base classes.
    • Added new Max derived classes and their respective methods.
    • Added new RPDP class to use with the file.
  • Integrated Quad material rendering for simple/complex material generation.
  • Initial Fully Automated Version:
    • Refactored file.
    • Added RPDX USD > glTF conversion.
    • Integrated material creation and assignment to glTF files.
  • General Bug Fixes & Improvements:
    • Fixes Thumbnail Parenting Issues (WIP).
    • Scenes are now executed one by one, for the sake of benchmarking.
    • The file was deleted:
      • Its contents were refactored and incorporated into the new MaxRenderings class.
    • Adds RPDX rendering of real-time model previews.
    • Fixes a crash that occurred when the environment map was missing.
    • Fixes a bug with the use of dome lights affecting quad rendering results.
    • Quad renderings have now a fixed resolution of 256x256.
    • Fixes an issue obtaining relative texture paths.
    • Fixes an issue related to glTF PBR texture factors.
    • Camera distance is now also influenced by depth of the object.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.