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September 15, 2023


  • Adjusts Basecolor translation.
  • Improves IOR To Metalness workflow.
  • Adds full support to VRayBumpMtl:
    • Extra Bump Map is now taken into account.
  • Adds support for VRayMtl Multipliers in simple materials.
  • Adds support to 3ds Max Bitmap Parameters for simple materials.
  • Adjusts quality presets:
    • Quality setting is now a boolean flag, -q or --quality.
    • When no flag is provided, the default quality settings will be used.
    • When the flag is provided, the results will be noisier but faster to process.
    • The flag might have further internal (quality, parameter) changes but no further changes to the flag usage are planned at this point.
  • Fixes normal map inversion in simple materials.
  • Fixes glTF validation issues.
  • Fixes issue with asset paths in the glTF Reimporter.
  • Fixes issue with process interruption.
  • Adjusts RapidPBR to make use of new Path classes:
    • This fixes issues with certain file names, as well as adds additional error checks.
  • Adjusts DCC-system wide functions.
  • Fixes issues with empty group heads.
  • Improves error checking, inside and outside the DCC.
  • Adds initial support for scene metadata.
  • Bone nodes are now removed during scene preprocessing.
  • Fixes issues with VRayLightMtl translation:
    • Emission is now also used as Diffuse.
    • Takes opacity into account properly.
  • Adjusts triangulation procedure.
  • Improves stability of installation script.
  • Upon a crash during the glTF reimport, temporary/incomplete files will be deleted for consistency.
  • Missing Texmaps are now ignored in the material classification.
  • Fixes temp files race condition when using verification mode flag.
  • Adjusts USDZ scale:
    • For compatibility with Omniverse, files will be exported in centimeters.
    • This change requires usage of RapidCompact v6.4.3.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.