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August 3, 2022


  • Adds support for detachment of meshes by multi-material ID on 3ds Max:
    • Effectively "flattens" the multi-material by splitting the sub-objects into their own nodes.
  • Adds geometry collapsing by material on 3ds Max:
    • This only applies to geometry nodes that have textured or procedural texmap nodes.
  • The Quad rendering has been replaced with Texture Baking on 3ds Max:
    • This allows for certain details and aspects of the material, such as highlights, to be properly represented in the resulting images.
    • Following this change, functions related to the quad rendering have been updated or removed.
    • The Blender plugin remains unchanged on this aspect.
  • To prevent compatibility issues during USD export for 3ds Max, several fixes are now performed:
    • All materials and meshes now have a "RPDP" prefix appended to their names.
      • This is due to an issue where the 3ds Max USD exporter would rename certain mesh names.
    • All materials are now converted to PhysicalMaterial before exporting.
      • This is due to an issue where the 3ds Max USD exporter would ignore certain materials.
      • No difference is observed in the final result as RapidPBR replaces all materials.
  • New optional flags -b and -c have been added to the execution line:
    • -b: Turns on benchmark mode to allow disabling rendering of scene and thumbnails.
    • -c: Turns on the cleanup of the output folder, keeping only files relevant to the 3d models.
  • To better represent the materials, some fixes are performed for VRayMtls on 3ds Max:
    • SSS and Thin Walled are disabled, as they are not supported by RapidPBR yet.
    • This changed may be reviewed in the future.
  • The creation and usage of Environment Maps has been revamped on 3ds Max:
    • The spheres and scenes are always rendered using a specific Environment Map.
    • The baking of textures uses the environment map chosen by the user.
  • General Bug Fixes & Improvements:
    • A new 3ds Max procedural texmap is supported: 'Gradient Ramp'.
    • Fixes a crash caused by Material Library files with different resolutions.
    • Fixes setup of lights and exposure when skipping rendering of thumbnails and full scene (WIP).
    • 3ds Max autobackup files are now ignored.
    • Fixes the Neural Network optimization for Normal Maps.
    • The Wand library dependency has been removed.
    • Adds a check that corrects the image resolution during resize, if needed.
      • This prevents crashes if images with wrong resolutions are in the library folder.
    • Hidden objects are now ignored during the 3ds Max plugin execution.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.