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July 4, 2023


  • Geometric nodes are now individually preserved unless a "--mergeByMaterial" flag is provided:
    • As a result, the reunwrapping procedure and several correlated functions have been adjusted to account for multiple nodes.
  • Material and Geometry Node names are now guaranteed to be kept:
    • Exceptions for Materials when MultiMaterials are involved, as we need to split objects by material.
    • Names of material subfolders might differ when the original name includes special or non-ASCII characters, but the name in the model itself is always kept.
  • The external startup script has been removed.
  • Enforces usage of Editable Meshes instead of Editable Poly:
    • This change provides massive performance increase for scenes with thousands of objects.
    • As a result, several functions have been adjusted, notably:
      • More efficient triangulation, object removal and material detachment procedures.
  • Adds scene retry on unhandled exceptions.
  • Adds scene metadata verification:
    • Within the DCC, without opening the file:
      • Scene assets, XRefs
      • Scene file version
    • Outside the DCC:
      • Renderer name
      • Number of cameras, lights, objects, faces, vertex, etc.
  • Scenes can be ignored from the input folder depending on file name prefixes or suffixes.
    • This is configurable through the RadpiPBR settings file.
  • Adjusts Hair & Fur material assignment.
  • Adds proper XRef skipping by checking the assets of all scenes of a batch.
  • Revamps scene post processing before final scene export within the DCC.
  • Applies fixes to Real World Scale to the whole object through the modifier options.
  • Adds UUID to Material objects inside DCC for easier identification.
  • Revamps creation of Max Material creation within DCC.
  • Adjusts requirements file.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.