June 25, 2024
✨ Added support to new Khronos' glTF Material Extensions: Clearcoat, Dispersion, Iridescence, and Sheen.
✨ Added new UV Overlap threshold.
✨ Added support to Emission Multiplier in simple materials.
✨ Added experimental support to more 3dsMax Standard or Legacy materials.
✨ Revamped installation procedure, license check, & dependencies.
✨ Baked Textures coming from the DCC are now rendered in EXR format.
🔨 Improved baking performance by moving the padding step to a post process.
🔨 Special characters and non-ASCII characters, if present, are now removed from output folder names.
🔨 The resolution identified procedure on Auto Resolution baking mode has been optimized.
🔨 Fixes issues with certain MultiMaterials configurations that could lead to crashes.
🔨 The IOR-to-Metalness procedure has been adjusted.
🔨 Updated Bounding Box size parameter calculation for the glTF Volumetric extension.
🔨 Adjusts file operation functions.
🔨 Simplified logging messages in several parts of the process.
For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.