March 1, 2023
- Adjustment to simple material treatment:
- Simple materials are exported and treated outside 3ds Max if deemed 'simple Materials'.
- Simple materials are only composed of texture, color, bump and normal map texmaps.
- At the moment, VRayblend and VRayFastSSS2 cannot be considered simple Materials.
- Non-simple simple materials are now baked inside 3ds Max in a way to preserve its tiling.
- The translation of simple simple materials outside of the DCC has special requirements and is a WIP:
- At the moment, we only consider Diffuse components for the Base color of simple materials.
- Texture rotation is not yet taken into account.
- As a result of the adjustments to simple materials, changes to the classification and baking have occurred:
- Materials with Real World Texture will be considered complex materials.
- Materials and Textures with UDIM are not yet supported.
- simple materials, both simple and Standard simple, do not support Ambient Occlusion maps baking.
- RPDX is now only called once to unwrap all nodes in the scene.
- Revamped node -> color value conversion.
- Revamped image related functions: images are only read/saved when needed.
- Ignores nodes and materials listed in the RPDP configuration file.
- Added python script to install dependencies.
- Updated default install dependencies requirements.
- Changes to MaterialX usage:
- MaterialX is now an optional dependency.
- Creation of MaterialX files is now skipped if library can't be found.
- a --createMtlx flag has been created to optionally create MaterialX files.
- MaterialX files are now created completely outside of DCCs.
- As a result, it's no longer needed to install MaterialX inside any DCC applications.
- Added new Renderer classes.
- Revamped Asset Retargetting/Path Fixing.
- Forces VRayBlend and VRayFastSSS2 to be treated as complex materials.
- Removed unused code and flags.
- Unsupported procedural VRay geometries, such as VRayPlane, are now ignored.
- General bug fixes.
For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.