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DCC Importer v0.16.0

November 26, 2024

✨ Added support for Bump Multipliers to simple textured materials.
✨ Support has been added to several new 3ds Max standard materials as input: glTFMaterial, MaxUSDPreviewSurface, PBRMetalRough, PBRSpecGloss, TopBottom, Composite.
✨ The pillow 3ds Max Python dependency has been added.
✨ New scene statistics are now computed when running a batch of scenes.

🔨 Scene Pre-Processing has been revamped to be less invasive, keeping Groups and assemblies whenever possible.
🔨 UV Unwrapping is now processed within 3ds Max exclusively, keeping newly generated UVs in the original geometry nodes.
🔨 Baking process has been revamped to avoid artifacts previously caused by Cage and Ray Trace projection methods.
🔨 USD file format is now used for geometry exchange between 3ds Max and the DCC Importer main process, keeping the scene structure.
🔨 Normal maps are now only baked when strictly necessary.
🔨 Multi-Material clean up and simplification has been revamped.
🔨 The materials Advanced_Lighting_Override and MaterialSwitcher will now be replaced by their child materials.
🔨 Recommended versions of several dependencies have been updated; check the README for details.
🔨 The folder for the virtual environments of the application have been renamed to '.venv'.
🔨 Revamped environment configuration file generation.
🔨 Adjustments have been made to several log messages.

⚡ Fixed missing IOR value when converting Physical Materials and its derivates to VRayMtl.
⚡ Fixed issues during material simplification, e.g. the effect of curve-based color mapping is now taken into account for certain input maps such as Falloff.
⚡ Fixed issues with non-contiguous image arrays in OpenImageIO.
⚡ Fixed issues with 2-channel images in OpenImageIO.

⛔ The OLEFile Python dependency has been removed.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.