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April 15, 2024


  • Revamps treatment of MultiMaterials:

    • MultiMaterials are, once again, detached and treated individually within 3dsMax;
    • MultiMaterials are now only treated as "containers/compounds of other materials";
    • At the end of the inner-DCC operations, after baking/rendering, they are reattached;
    • The submaterials are translated individually outside of 3dsMax, maintaining their individual properties;
    • This method provides better visual quality, and in some cases improved performance.
  • MultiMaterials and Shell Materials are now classified as Supported Materials for input scenes.

  • The padding for complex materials atlas baking has been reduced:

    • The padding is now proportionally dependent on the resolution in use for baking, for example:
      • 256 - 2px;
      • 512 - 4px;
      • 1024 - 8px;
      • 2048 - 16px;
      • 4096 - 32px.
    • In short, 1px of padding is added for each 2px of baking;
    • This change allows for considerable improvement in baking performance.
  • Improves VRayDisplacementModifier conversion into Bump maps:

    • Reduced the number of VRayBumpMtl materials created to one material per modifier/material pair.
    • Modifiers that can't be baked to geometry (e.g. 2D displacement and SubDivision Displacement) are now always converted to Bump.
  • Adjusted material conversion for Hair & Fur geometry.

  • Adjusted error checking when adding modifiers to geometry nodes.

  • Adjusted Falloff conversion:

    • The replacement of Falloff by black color/texture is now only performed on Falloff texmaps connected to the reflection slots of VRayMtls;
    • All other Falloffs are converted to an 80/20 mix between Front & Side texmap/color.
  • Revamped vertex color cleaning operations:

    • A more efficient vertex color cleaning method has been implemented, improving performance;
    • Additionally, vertex colors are now only cleaned for geometry nodes that have vertex colors applied, improving performance even further.
  • Revamped two sided geometry operation, for volumetric materials:

    • The Shell Modifier is no longer used;
    • This operation is now only performed if an object is not watertight, improving performance.
  • When converting VRayBlendMaterials, certain non-bakeable parameters are now exported based on the Base material:

    • Thin-Walled flag;
    • Volume Depth;
    • Fog Color;
    • Emission Multiplier.
  • Fog color/attenuation color is now taken into account for reimported VRay materials into Shell shaders.

  • Fixes issues with multipliers during material simplification inside the DCC.

  • Fixes issues with VRayDisplacementModifier baking into geometry, when using multimaterials and multi-uv channels.

  • Fixes issues with Cloth modifier conversion.

  • Gradient and Gradient Ramp nodes are now classified as Functional Texmaps.

  • Scenes with repeated names are checked before batch processing starts, rather than during.

    • As a result, statistics for "skipped" scenes are no longer reported at the end of the batch.
  • The performance and memory usage of certain Image operations have been improved.

  • Fixes issue with complex materials multiplier mixing for 1-channel images.

  • Fixes issue with log file being overwritten by a blank file.

  • Known Issues:

    • Certain refractive complex materials have artifacts around their UV edges. A fix is being investigated.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.