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November 15, 2023


  • Scene files in output folders are now ignored during input file scan operations:
    • This is, effectively, only relevant if your output folder is contained in the input folder.
    • We recommend that the input and output folder are completely separate, one not including the other or vice versa.
  • Most subprocesses started by RapidPBR now have timeout error checks accordingly.
  • Fixes an exception during scene batch verification if the verification file is incomplete.
  • Revamps error checking for long paths during several file scanning operations.
  • Revamps error checking for invalid paths on Max system related function calls.
  • Fixes issues with encoding on JSon file I/O.
  • Fixes issues with encoding on glTF file I/O.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.