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RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.10.2

  • A RapidPBR status tracking feature has been added:
    • The status of a given scene is now tracked in the sceneInfo.json file.
    • In the event of errors, description about the issue may also be included.
    • The new status field of the sceneInfo is used by the application to ensure workflow consistency.
  • The geometry node attachment procedure has been revamped:
    • The performance of this specific method has been drastically increased for scenes in the order of thousands of nodes.
  • Error checking during scene file gathering has been revamped.
  • Fixed issue with transforms during Hair & Fur conversion.
  • Breaking changes:
    • The flag --skipExistent has been removed: scenes will now always be skipped if the output is encountered:
      • The presence of the new status field, with any status value, in the sceneInfo.json, indicates that some sort of output is present in the scene.
    • The flag --timestampLog has been removed: log messages will now always have a timestamp.
    • The flag --quick has been removed:
      • The previous default quality settings will always be in effect now.
      • To render quick tests, use a lower resolution parameter instead.
  • A new flag (--forceMaterialBaking) to force simple materials to be baked has been added.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.10.1

  • The Asset Retargetting feature has been revamped:
    • The Material Editor is now reset during retargetting, removing unused assets from scene;
    • Input folders are now scanned for missing assets, in certain situations.
  • Instances are now converted to unique objects during scene preprocessing.
  • The base color calculation has been adjusted.
  • Fixes issues with DCC-server connection:
    • Revamps connection checks.
  • Improves error and exception logging.
  • Fixes encoding issues with process logging.
  • Fixes issues with "useRoughness" property in VRayMtl materials used in VRayBlendMtl materials.
  • Improves non-geometric nodes deletion.
  • Fixes issues with 3ds Max command line argument case sensitiveness.
  • Fixes error checking during scene load and merging.
  • Fixes issue with baking with mismatching material ID.
  • Fixes error with missing output options for 3ds Max bitmaps for simple materials.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.10.0

  • Adjusts Basecolor translation.
  • Improves IOR To Metalness workflow.
  • Adds full support to VRayBumpMtl:
    • Extra Bump Map is now taken into account.
  • Adds support for VRayMtl Multipliers in simple materials.
  • Adds support to 3ds Max Bitmap Parameters for simple materials.
  • Adjusts quality presets:
    • Quality setting is now a boolean flag, -q or --quality.
    • When no flag is provided, the default quality settings will be used.
    • When the flag is provided, the results will be noisier but faster to process.
    • The flag might have further internal (quality, parameter) changes but no further changes to the flag usage are planned at this point.
  • Fixes normal map inversion in simple materials.
  • Fixes glTF validation issues.
  • Fixes issue with asset paths in the glTF Reimporter.
  • Fixes issue with process interruption.
  • Adjusts RapidPBR to make use of new Path classes:
    • This fixes issues with certain file names, as well as adds additional error checks.
  • Adjusts DCC-system wide functions.
  • Fixes issues with empty group heads.
  • Improves error checking, inside and outside the DCC.
  • Adds initial support for scene metadata.
  • Bone nodes are now removed during scene preprocessing.
  • Fixes issues with VRayLightMtl translation:
    • Emission is now also used as Diffuse.
    • Takes opacity into account properly.
  • Adjusts triangulation procedure.
  • Improves stability of installation script.
  • Upon a crash during the glTF reimport, temporary/incomplete files will be deleted for consistency.
  • Missing Texmaps are now ignored in the material classification.
  • Fixes temp files race condition when using verification mode flag.
  • Adjusts USDZ scale:
    • For compatibility with Omniverse, files will be exported in centimeters.
    • This change requires usage of RapidCompact v6.4.3.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.9.3

  • Fixes translation cases for VRayMtl when Fresnel Reflections are turned off.
  • Adds support to IOR to Metalness conversion to all material levels.
    • Additionally, several issues with the IOR to Metalness conversion have been fixed.
  • Normal Maps no longer will be compressed on 3D model conversions by RPDX.
  • The parameter export for VRayBlendMtl has been improved.
  • Fixes issue when no resolution is provided as override.
  • Fixes issue with IOR texture baking for VRayMtl materials with Fresnel Reflections turned off.
  • Fixes issue with gamma override in the glTF reimporter.
  • Fixes issue with unexpected object name prefix added by the 3ds Max glTF exporter.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.9.2

  • Minor changes to the Specular Factor calculation for untextured materials.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.9.1

  • Introduces IOR Texture Translation into Metalness:
    • As a result, the Base Color translation has been adjusted.
  • Revamps IOR Texture Baking for VRay-Compatible Materials:
    • For VRayMtl, the IOR value is now baked correctly even if no texture is provided.
    • For VRayBlend, this is a composite of its submaterials' IOR values and textures.
    • Introduces IOR baking for VRayFastSSS2.
    • For materials without an IOR: a texture equivalent to IOR 1.0 will be baked.
  • Revamps Refraction Baking for VRayBlendMaterial:
    • This fixes issues with non-Refractive base materials.
  • Added initial support to Texmap Output Options for simple Materials:
    • Texmap Inversion is now supported.
  • Fixes issues with Emissive Strength extension across all levels of materials.
  • Unsupported Materials are now replaced with a Default Material:
    • WIP Materials will print a warning to the user but still be processed

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.9.0

  • Revamps several functions, including file paths building, increasing stability.
  • Internal refactoring of the main process.
  • A custom RapidCompact settings file is no longer taken as input:
    • For optimal results, settings used for RapidCompact are now fixed for RapidPBR.
  • Adjusts translation to work by keeping original reflection IORs.
    • Influence of the reflection into base color is controlled by IOR.
    • Refraction and fog colors still impact the base color, however.
  • Adds the flag "--iorToMetalness" to convert input reflection IOR for simple Materials into metalness values.
    • Reflection color is then mixed into base color based on the input reflection IOR.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.8.1

  • Adjusted the "--verifyInstallation" flag behavior:
    • Use of this flag will ignore most other arguments provided (e.g. input, output folders, etc).
    • You may still provide the "--logLevel" and "--executablePath" flags, however.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.8.0

  • Geometric nodes are now individually preserved unless a "--mergeByMaterial" flag is provided:
    • As a result, the reunwrapping procedure and several correlated functions have been adjusted to account for multiple nodes.
  • Material and Geometry Node names are now guaranteed to be kept:
    • Exceptions for Materials when MultiMaterials are involved, as we need to split objects by material.
    • Names of material subfolders might differ when the original name includes special or non-ASCII characters, but the name in the model itself is always kept.
  • The external startup script has been removed.
  • Enforces usage of Editable Meshes instead of Editable Poly:
    • This change provides massive performance increase for scenes with thousands of objects.
    • As a result, several functions have been adjusted, notably:
      • More efficient triangulation, object removal and material detachment procedures.
  • Adds scene retry on unhandled exceptions.
  • Adds scene metadata verification:
    • Within the DCC, without opening the file:
      • Scene assets, XRefs
      • Scene file version
    • Outside the DCC:
      • Renderer name
      • Number of cameras, lights, objects, faces, vertex, etc.
  • Scenes can be ignored from the input folder depending on file name prefixes or suffixes.
    • This is configurable through the RadpiPBR settings file.
  • Adjusts Hair & Fur material assignment.
  • Adds proper XRef skipping by checking the assets of all scenes of a batch.
  • Revamps scene post processing before final scene export within the DCC.
  • Applies fixes to Real World Scale to the whole object through the modifier options.
  • Adds UUID to Material objects inside DCC for easier identification.
  • Revamps creation of Max Material creation within DCC.
  • Adjusts requirements file.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.

RapidPipeline DCC Importer v0.7.7

  • Adds DCC and main Python process system information check:
    • RapidPBR now enforces VRay, 3ds Max and Python versions.
    • Versions of Python packages are checked for compatibility in relation to the requirements file.
    • The DCC system language is checked for English (US).
    • RapidPBR throws correspondent errors in case the checks fail.
  • Makes use of RPDX to generate Opacity versions of glTF transmission assets.
  • The creation of additional output files (opacity GLB, USDZ, FBX) is now optional and handled through a flag, --additionalOutputs.
  • The rendering of previews through RPDX is now optional and handled through a flag, --renderPreview.
  • Fixes issue with encoding of log files.
  • Fixes glTF reimport file paths.

For more information, see the reference documentation for RapidPipeline DCC Importer.